The tragedy in Japan has left many students wondering what kind of difference a stuggling college student can make in the lives of those suffering thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean.
In effort to provide City College students with an opportunity to assist in relief efforts, the City College Honor’s Club hosted a fundraiser Tuesday March 22 on the quad from 8:30 a.m to 12:45 p.m.

City College students donated or purchased CDs, DVDs, books, baked goods and hot dogs and hamburgers, raising money for the Red Cross and the Save the Children foundation. Cash donations and ‘Save the Children’ bracelets are still available for those who donate to that organization.
Honors Club adviser Dr. Anna Joy says the club has hosted many similar and successful fundraisers and encouraged everyone to get involved.
“We have hosted too many fundraisers to count,” says Joy. “Our goal is to raise as much as we can for the effort and get students involved.”