Fox 40 aired a story March 27 during the FOX40 news that featured interviews with City College students seeking two-year degrees and the increasing earning power that will come to them when they do.
The students interviewed showed hope for the future. One student spoke about wanting to go to a four-year university with hopes of making more money than someone with only an associates.
But according to FOX, a new study conducted by Georgetown University shows that 30 percent of Americans with Associates degrees are earning more than Americans who have a Bachelors.
In the broadcast piece, City College Outreach Specialist, Toni Newman said she wasn’t surprised by the study because campuses like City College are providing an educated workforce for the businesses and technology, which is a huge part of their mission.
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“If the students go into some of these fields they could be making more money than I do,” said Newman.
People with an Associates degree are making more than those with a Bachelors, said FOX, but over the course of a lifetime, people with a Bachelors tend to make more.