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She is funky and fabulous. Taylor Jones is a 20-year-old photography major from City College. She loves everything to do with art and says she lives to make her mark on the world. Her goal in life is to be a successful artist, a goal that in today’s world is becoming harder to do.
Jones is a fun-loving person whose personality is as bright as her ever- changing hair color. She uses her hands to express herself, just as much as she uses words. Jones’ “Jim Carrey” sense of humor never lets any of her friends stay down in the dumps for long.
“Taylor is unique, and by unique I mean extraordinarily different,” says Karen Reay, a friend of Jones’ for over a year. “I’ve never met anybody quite like her. She’s into the raddest things that you would never think of.”
Jones says her greatest passion is creation and being able to create art. Her mother was a big influence on her becoming an artist.
“Growing up my mom was always creative. She always liked us to show our artistic side,” says Jones. “She just really helped me form my artistic self.”
Becoming a successful photographer is not easy to achieve but Jones is taking the challenge head on. Jones is an artist who loves to just create, not just as a photographer. She also sculpts, paints, and works with glass. She also likes to mix the medium that she works with. Jones also uses a chemical process called cyanotype, which prints a photograph in a range of blue tones.
“I like to mix them,” says Jones. “I like to paint over my cyanotype sometimes.”
Jones grew up in San Francisco and Arizona. Arizona she says is where she began to get into photography
at 14 years old. Jones has been into photography ever since.
Jones has an older sister who now lives in Brighton, England, with her new husband. Jones’ sister got her into cosplaying and going to comic cons and other conventions.
“She started going to them first with her boyfriend that she actually got married to,” says Jones. “Then we started going, and it just became a thing, and when she left it took off from there.”
Jones has touched many people in her life. She is truly a one-of-a-kind person. With her bright hair, piercings, funky clothing, and tattoos. She brightens up the world around her.
“Taylor always has a grand smile complementing her bubbly attitude,” says Cody Freedland, Jones’ boyfriend.
With camera in hand, Taylor Jones will keep capturing the world’s beauty — one shutter click at a time.
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