Six seconds on the clock and the Panthers are down by one point. A free throw will make it or break it.
There’s a dramatic pause, a shot is made, the ball dances indecisively around the rim, and then it drops inside the hoop. The crowd goes wild.
Kiel Myers, 22, saved that game February 9 against Cosumnes River College.
Myers joined the City College basketball team last spring and he takes his position as center seriously.
“When I was a child, I didn’t even like basketball, and my dad would always make me sit down and watch it with him. Slowly over time, it took hold of me,” Myers says.
Myers says he practiced at school for at least 15 hours per week during this season. He followed a nutrition regime strictly and he now weighs 50 pounds less than when he first started. And his dedication is reflected in his season stats.
He had a scoring average of 10.9 points per game. His free throw percentage was at 75 percent and his 3-point shooting percentage was at 28 percent. And even before the season started, Myers already began to show prominence. At the 2009 Las Positas Summer Shootout, July 25- 26 at Las Positas College in Livermore, he scored 23 pts (five three-pointers) and had seven rebounds and two blocks vs. West Valley.
The crowds may be cheering as loud as they can, but Myers isn’t concerned about that. He focuses on the flow of the game. Near the end of it, he gets tired, but it doesn’t show.
“It’s having the heart and spirit when your body doesn’t feel it,” Myers says.
Fellow teammate Deandre Cooksie says Myers kept the team positive.
“He brought energy to the team,” Cooksie says. “Man, I just felt his vibe. He really wanted to win.”
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Whether the team wins or loses, Myers says he follows the same routine after a game. He reviews the game. He looks at the pros and cons, and makes sure he improves.
According to cheerleading Captain Tracey Russell, who attended every basketball game that season, Meyers visibly portrayed either his pride or dissatisfaction in his performance.
“I could tell that he was one of those players who took it to heart if he felt like he didn’t do his best in the game,” Russell says.
A loss might be difficult for other players to handle, but Myers takes advantage of the situation.
“After a loss, you want to soak up that feeling so you don’t do it again,” Myers says.
Although basketball is important, Myers doesn’t let it distract him from his goals.
“It is a means to getting myself a better light in life, an education,” Myers says.
Myers, a journalism major, is enrolled in 18 units this semester. He hopes to be a sports writer someday.
Juggling college athletics and academics is difficult enough, but Myers recently got a job as well. He still manages to find time to hang out with friends and play dominoes, one of his favorite hobbies.
Myers would like to play in a European league, but that is far off in the future and he is sure it will work out the way it is supposed to.
“I’m focused on this season for now,” Myers says.