As the 2010 census approaches, with surveys due to arrive in mid-March, City College students spoke out about this difficult and complex task, revealing mixed feelings about the count.
“I think it’s important to be counted,” said Nancy Ibarra, a nursing major. “To be taken into notice and make your voice count. Let people know you’re here.”
The stakes are high.
The U.S. Census is taken every 10 years and determines the amount of money California will receive for the next decade, based on the population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, $400 billion in federal funding for hospitals, schools and infrastructures, like bridges and tunnels, is up for grabs. If the population is undercounted, programs will not receive enough federal money to adequately serve the state’s people.
“It’s not even supposed to be a survey,” said Ann Danenberg, research analyst in the office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness. “It’s supposed to be a full-count enumeration of the entire population of the United States.”
The data also helps determine the number of seats each state holds in the U.S. House of Representatives. The number of representatives a state gets is determined by the amount of people living in the state.
“Political boundaries get drawn based on the census,” Danenberg said. “Funding is done based on the census, there’s a lot of stuff done based on the census.”
The main responsibility of the census is to accurately produce a physical count of everyone living in the United States. Once they receive it, the public is left to decide what to do next—participate or withdraw.
“If we know how many people are living here, then we can know how to accommodate them,” said Karima Muhammad, a psychology major.
Some students, however, worry the price of participation may be too high.
More problematic are certain survey questions relating to personal privacy and ethnicity.
“If it’s confidential, like your information, why do they need a phone number?” said Cynthia Carrillo, a nursing major.
Other students on campus recognize the value of participation.
“I think education of the census is very important,” said Jessica Atlas, a community studies major. “Then it would motivate the students. But if they don’t know, they won’t have the knowledge.”
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