The results of the recall election held against Associated Student Government President Steve Macias and Student Affairs Commissioner Monica Guzman are now in limbo.
The entire recall election has been found in violation of an open-meeting law known as the Brown Act, ASG Vice President Debby Dixon said on Monday.
“As of now, the recall election was invalid,” Dixon said. “I forgot to put the time on the agenda set for the special meeting — just that technicality. I will be going to see the chancellor about it.”
Macias reported the technicality to the Los Rios Community College District, which at this point is in favor of declaring the election void, according to Dixon.
“This discovery is not something that the administration simply discovered on their own; it was well known and ignored,” Macias said. “At the October 21st 2009, ASG meeting , the section of the Brown Act that the meeting was in violation of was read by myself and another ASG member only to be purposefully ignored by both the VP Dixon and ASG adviser Lee Weathers-Miguel. Luckily the district was able to catch on to this injustice before it progressed any further.”
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For the recall election to have counted, 362 students needed to place their votes. According to Dixon, the minimum guidelines were met for student participation in the balloting.
“More students voted in this election than in the regular general election,” Dixon said. “We had 540 students vote in the general election, over 600 voted in this recall election; we topped the amount in the regular election.”
In an e-mail statement, Macias said Guzman, the other ASG candidate up for recall, accumulated absences after the recall petition for her seat had been started, so it is unclear to him why she was in fact recalled.
“The normal process would be for the board to simply vote to excuse an individual from their duties during a meeting,” Macias said. “This was known, but yet the recall moved forward for Ms. Guzman.”
Get the latest recall coverage by returning to SacCityExpress.com and read The Express on Nov. 10.